Today is February 14, which means we all know what that means. If you’ve got a significant other and you don’t have a gift for her or him yet, don’t risk spending the day in the dog house – get out there and get shopping (or get creative!)

Even if you are not in a romantic relationship, Valentine’s Day is a perfect time to spread the love to children, parents, grandparents, grandkids, besties, coworkers – pretty much anyone who makes your world a brighter place. Here are 10 Valentine’s Day gift ideas that are at least a tad more creative than teddy bears, chocolates, and roses (although in a pinch, those are better than nothing!) that will show your love (and that you can get within the next 24 hours!)

  1. Massage (or couples massage) gift certificate
  2. Mani/pedi gift certificate
  3. Surprise pre-dinner event tailored to your significant other’s interests (indoor skydiving, bowling, race-car driving experience)
  4. Puppy or kitten from the local shelter
  5. Heart-shaped “box of chocolates” filled not with chocolates but cash, jewelry, or something else unexpected you know she/he will love
  6. Assortment of romantic books
  7. Customized DIY photo book featuring photos of the two of you (CVS and Walgreens are examples of photo outlets offering 2-hour service for photo books you create via their online builder site)
  8. Photo of the two of you in a pretty frame
  9. Perfume or cologne (or perfume or cologne spritzed over lingerie and wrapped in a heart-shaped box)
  10. Surprise hotel stay for the night

Above all, it truly is the thought that counts. The only way you can really go wrong on this special day of love is not to acknowledge it at all!